Sojitz Blue




We, Sojitz Blue, thoroughly recognize the importance of protecting personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”). We believe that properly handling Personal Information is part of our social responsibility, and declare that we strive to protect Personal Information in accordance with the following policies:
  1. Compliance with Laws and Other Rules

    We will strictly comply with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” and other related laws and regulations, guidelines, industry self-regulation and internal rules, etc. when carrying out operations in which Personal Information is handled.

  2. Acquisition of Personal Information

    We will acquire Personal Information by fair and legitimate means. In addition, unless permitted by related laws and regulations, we will not acquire any special care-required Personal Information without the prior consent of the individual to whom such Personal Information pertains.

  3. Use of Personal Information
    • We will use Personal Information only for the purposes of use officially announced in advance or within the scope of use informed at the time of acquisition and to the extent necessary to carry out business.
    • In the case where we share personal data with a third party, or entrust the handling of personal data to a third party, we will examine such third party rigorously, and perform proper supervision to ensure that such third party keeps the Personal Information confidential.
  4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

    Except as provided by laws and regulations, we will not provide personal data to any third party without the prior consent of the individual to whom such personal data pertains (the specific individual identified by the Personal Information).

  5. Safety Management Measures for Personal Information
    • We will work to keep personal data accurate and up-to-date, and delete any personal data that is no longer needed without delay, while ensuring the thorough safety management of personal data on a daily basis.
    • We will take appropriate measures to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration and leakage of personal data, unauthorized access to personal data and infiltration by computer viruses and the like. In the unlikely event that any of these matters occur, we will promptly take corrective actions.
    • We will not allow personal data to be leaked by taking it off premises or transmitting it externally.
  6. Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, and Deletion of Personal Information

    We confirm that the owners of the Personal Information have the right to request the disclosure, correction, suspension of use, and deletion, etc. of their own personal data, and we will strive to appropriately and immediately respond to any such request.

  7. Organisation and Structure
    • We recognize that the appropriate management of Personal Information is our social mission. We assign a manager in every department to handle Personal Information, and implement the appropriate management of Personal Information.
    • We will provide all those involved in operations, including officers, full-time employees, part-time employees and contract employees with training on the protection of, and methods for appropriately managing, Personal Information, and thoroughly ensure that Personal Information is handled appropriately in day-to-day operations.
  8. Compliance Program regarding Protection of Personal Information

    To execute these policies, we have formulated a compliance program for the protection of Personal Information (which includes this Privacy Policy, Personal Information Protection Regulations and other regulations and rules) and keep our employees and other interested parties fully informed of this program, and execute and maintain this program, as well as strive to properly manage Personal Information through ongoing review and improvement.