Gregory Crinum Coal Mine M-Block Extension Project
EPBC 2021/9127
Notification for publication of the final Public Environment Report, Gregory Crinum Mine (GCM) M-Block Extension, prepared for Sojitz Blue Pty Ltd (July 2023 – Rev. No. 7).
Sojitz Blue Pty Ltd are proposing to continue mining operations at GCM with M-Block located wholly within ML1923 and immediately east of the existing mining areas. The coal will be used solely for the production of steel. GCM, inclusive of M-Block, is located approximately 50 km north-east of Emerald, Queensland and holds a Queensland Environmental Authority (EA) (EPML00945013) and water licence (577145) to enable dewatering of ML1923. Mining of M-Block will use conventional open-cut mining methods for the first three years, with underground access to be established from the highwall. Existing infrastructure will be used for M-Block mining activity.
The proposed action has been determined a controlled action under the EPBC Act. The controlling provisions are ‘Listed threatened species and communities (sections 18 & 18A), and ‘A water resource, in relation to coal seam gas development and large coal mining developments (sections 24D & 24E)’.
The documentation was made available for public comment from 12 May 2023 to 9 June 2023, and these comments have been considered, noted and responded to within this PER.
The documentation is for information only and can be accessed electronically at Sojitz’s website – https://www.sojitzblue.com.au/community-environment/ and viewed during business hours, Monday to Friday, from 9am 10 July 2023 to 5pm 3 August 2023 at:- Emerald Library – 44 Borilla Street, Emerald Qld 4720 (07) 4986 8444
- Department of Environment and Science (DES) – Hospital Road Emerald, Qld 4720
- Persons requiring assistance (i.e. visual impairment or English as a second language) may contact Sojitz on 07 3054 6901.