Sojitz Blue

Health Safety



Our first priority is that every one of us and our workmates return home safely every day.

We continuously improve our risk management systems and encourage compliance with them across the workforce. It means constantly looking for safer ways of doing things, identifying hazards and taking the responsibility to fix them. It means looking after ourselves and each other by being alert and aware.

The responsibility for safety is shared by you, Sojitz’s management and every person who walks onto one of our sites. This policy explains our accountabilities, responsibilities and commitment to working safely.


Management is committed to their goal of sustaining ZERO HARM and an injury free workplace through the elimination of workplace injury and illness. As part of that commitment Sojitz Minerva shall develop and maintain a documented safety and health management system.

To achieve this, we shall:

  • Show commitment to the safety and health of ourselves, and those around us;
  • Be aware of the risks and Identify hazards with the associated risks in our jobs, and manage them effectively;
  • Ensure incidents are investigated and that all recommendations are followed through to ensure continued improvement.
  • Work to the safety and health standards we establish on site;
  • Meet all applicable legal requirements. Comply with legislation and relevant codes of practice / Australian Standards;
  • Provide adequate resources and training to workers to fulfil our goals;
  • Ensure consultation and communication with employees throughout the risk management process;
  • Ensure accountability to all persons in responsible positions;
  • Monitor and review our Safety and Health Policy and Management Plan with the aim of continually improving job safety and risk awareness;
  • Participate in the completion of SAO’s, Pit Observations and Personal SLAM’s; and
  • Build a culture of risk awareness and proactive hazard reduction.